When you're sick like this
Everything seems fake
It's like an unconscious consciousness
Where I know I've lost it
I don't remember much of anything
Except that I have friends
And they make everything better
When you're sick like this
Everything is far away
And everything is blurry
The sounds are muffled
And the screaming doesnt bother me
My head is throbbing
It's filled with phlegm
When you're sick like this
The food doesn't have a taste
And the liquids eat at your throat
All you can taste is the rotten flavor of "Mentho-Lyptus"
And cherry cough suppressant
Music just doesn't have any effect
I sit here with glazed over eyes
When you're sick like this
You just want it to be over
Even go so far as to say
"That I want to die"
But you feel like you are dead
Because everything is so slow
And painless
When you're sick like this
You don't go to bed at 10
You go to bed at 8
But it doesn't matter much
Because you don't get to sleep until 1