Tired Mind

Oh tired mind
Oh jaded intellect
Why do you yawn and stretch?
Have you traveled far? Or not far enough?
Who were you gifted too? And how did they morph you?

Did they twist and grind you? Or did they cradle you and sing a sweet melody?
Did they pick you up to just drop you? Are you bruised?

Weary brain, why do you yawn and stretch?

Did they take your dignity and tell you to 'go fetch'?

Have you seen much? Or nothing at all?

Tired mind dream the solution to end this fatigue

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Daylitmoon's picture

Keep writing, you have a

Keep writing, you have a great talent. I'm more and more impressed.

A weary mind is a terrible thing to waste.

poetic-cosmo's picture

l like your mind..lol if that

l like your mind..lol if that makes sense!
