No One Dies Here

Country music is physical.

Its listeners typically work with their hands.

Alternative rock is abstract

And white collar to a man.

But good music is good music,

And if you have the right mentality

They put you in the hall of fame

And grant you immortality.

It's also true that the saved

Do not die when they move on.

They know eternal life,

This life mere stepping stone.

And mothers and fathers

Who always love their kids

Leave a legacy, a new generation

To pass on what they did.

And leaders, and the infamous,

And those who break on through

Are remembered for the ages

For what they did and where they stood.

Sometimes it's sheer luck.

Sometimes it's sheer will.

Sometimes it's for peacemaking.

Sometimes it's for the kill.

This place is always swept.

The heart's happy, and content.

No one dies here.  We live forever

Like words etched in cement.

In these modern times

Looking for a Christ

Is what we do with celebrity.

So if you'r ambitious, hold on tight.

They do not die.  They are remembered.

Some have songs sung from car to car horn

In traffic they leave behind,

Like an embrace jointly forlorn.



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