I met a man in my bedroom once
Whom I could not resist.
He wore a plain white suit.
His name was Narcissus.
I offered him my soul
For a taste of worldly fame.
He never replied with words.
That day I still disdain.
I am now a wealthy man,
An author, to some a symbol.
Harder to get a rich man into heaven
Than pass an ocean through a thimble.
And I am now a saved man.
I have accepted Jesus Christ,
But the devil keeps on paying
At each and every roll of the dice.
Restlessly I pray.
The days pass by, on I go,
A servant of someone bigger,
Though just who I do not know.
Now that you've read my poem
Now that you've read my poem please review it. Thanks.
Belief and Faith
live in accepting that there is no division of matter and spirit. Then we are not barred from adventure and bliss and the lessons of pain. I'm just sayin' ~allets~