God Loves You

God loves you.

God is all-seeing.  God is all-knowing.  God knows everything about you, everything you have ever done, said, thought, or felt.  God knows every sin you have ever committed and every secret in your heart.  God knows the shame you carry in your soul.  And God loves you anyway.  God loves you.


Confess to God all of your sins, every burden you carry within yourself, every act of evil that darkens your soul and weighs you down, and ask for forgiveness.


In this process, you will learn to forgive yourself as God forgives you, and you will learn to love yourself as God loves you.   And after all of your burdens are laid bare before the Lord, you will feel an incredible lightness in your soul, like a newborn child.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my Christian friends.

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saiom's picture

thank you


an inspiring spiritual poem


My teacher said "God looks on sin as a mother on her baby's first

halting attempts to walk'



and_hera_met_zeus's picture


That's really beautiful!  

word_man's picture

you just have to learn how to

you just have to learn how to plug in to that bright light of love

ron parrish

Seryddwr's picture

Bravo!  Well said!

Bravo!  Well said!

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]

and_hera_met_zeus's picture

Thank you :)

It's just a small contribution hoping to make the world a better place.

Seryddwr's picture

Smallness is relative; and

Smallness is relative; and greatness, as a quality, does not depend on quantity.  From the fusion of the simplest atoms, hydrogen, the sun and stars create light and warmth.  Your poem is like that.

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]