A Logical Examination of Mystical Experience

Meditators and mystics around the world and from various cultures report that there is only one consciousness.  It is a bizarre statement that confounds the minds of those who have never experienced it.  Having experienced it myself, I will describe my sensation of it.  Under normal circumstances, conscious awareness focuses on specific things in a continuous stream of thoughts, emotions, and sensations.  During intense meditation, when conscious awareness is directed away from all those things, eventually it can be emptied of any subject to contemplate.  At that point of pure, empty consciousness, awareness reaches out to infinity in all directions, and at that moment, it becomes apparent that consciousness is shared by all, like a pool of water from which we all drink.  It makes logical sense that if consciousnes truly were infinite, only one consciousness is possible, because two separate pools of consciousness would require a limit between them in order to exist separately.  


If this is true, then these conclusions logically follow:


1.  Just like matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, consciousness cannot be created or destroyed. 

2.  Consciousness is infinite and is collective in its undifferentiated form.  

3.  Consciousness is a fundamental part of the Universe that has always existed and will always exist, at least within the bounds of the existence of time, and possibly outside of time as well.  It is as fundamental as matter and energy.  

4.  The subjective awareness of collective consciousness creates the mystical experiences that are the basis for various world religions.  


If the double slit experiment truly shows that consciousness alone collapses the wave form, that suggests that consciousness creates reality by drawing it from an undifferentiated pre-reality that may be a field composed of possible realities, and we should be able to calculate the probability of any particular event emerging from that field.  We should also be able to increase the likelihood of an event by focusing consciousness on the preferred outcome.  


This model provides an explanation for many previously unexplainable phenomena described as paranormal.  


This suggests that the entire universe is the body of God and the pool of consciousness is the consciousness of God.  It is quite possible that the purpose of all life is to explore the infinite experiences available when undifferentiated consciousness becomes differentiated consciousness in individual beings.  



Author's Notes/Comments: 

I have thought about this a lot.  I just really felt like I needed to write it down.  

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Seryddwr's picture

This is very interesting,

This is very interesting,

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]

word_man's picture

thanks for the wisdom,maybe i

thanks for the wisdom,maybe i should meditate

ron parrish

and_hera_met_zeus's picture

It helps me :)

I hope it does something good for you (or that you find something else that worksaswell for you as this does for me)  :)


thanks for reading!

allets's picture

Collective Conscience

The search for God and a definition that is undeniably proven is the topic of entire lives, total commitment to discovery, the founding of institutions. One world evolved uniquely created the ability to perceive and create and move matter around. A glitch in universal history. God is simple everything, cognizance a part of the entirety. Easy. :D




and_hera_met_zeus's picture


I‘m no authority, it’s just how I make sense of what I see :)  Obviously, I could be REALLY wrong lol.  The true nature of mystical experience is far beyond what any one human mind can grasp.  And I am glad for the mystery :)

allets's picture

To Feel Anything

Makes you an expert, to write about the experience makes you a thinker, to publish the truth felt makes you an authority. Never doubt feelings. They save lives and make life liveable - and I mean NEVER DOUBT!!! 



and_hera_met_zeus's picture

Thank you Stella

I needed to hear that right now