In the Background

Earth Worship

When the green is gone 

the other colors come true.

Wallflowers bloom, too.  

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saiom's picture



'Wallflowers bloom, too.  '   wonderful



S74rw4rd's picture

Yes they do!

Yes they do!


word_man's picture

something blooms all year

something blooms all year

ron parrish

Pungus's picture


This makes me think of a burnt pomegranate tree,

And the bright fruit is bright among the ash of the leaves,

And the decaying black or brown trunk. The pomegrantes

Are up there though, red as rubies and sweet to see

Even among the rest but it seems to frame fruit perfectly.

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not

allets's picture

Bloomin' Wallflowers, Batman!

The Earth Worshipper is back! Hi! Cool poem. ~A~