gentle kindnesses of the universe
as if Fate stroked my cheek
such rare good fortune to know
my ghosts have visited me.
if you gather around for fireside tales
or hold stock in folk wisdom maybe
if you like unlikely hope
or easily believe strangers, then
maybe you will believe
or maybe in your own misfortunes
Fate will caress a lock of your hair
and you too will see them there.
but i know with absolute certainty
that all the ghosts
your ancestors, the long dead,
grandpa's grandpa,
they all go to funerals.
so i speculate,
do they remember your pain from their own passing?
are they there to ease your heart?
or are they there for your newly lost loves,
giving them hugs and maybe welcoming them
like we welcome babies in the hospital.
i imagine them in tailored suits
and pale grey or blue dresses
chatting over glasses of wine
or whiskey and beer
or coffee and tea.
perhaps they discuss the best vacation spots
in heaven.
or they chat about the unchanging weather
and maybe wish it would stop raining peace all the time.
asking eachother how some other ghosts are doing,
or if their recent trip to Earth went well,
mulling over our worries and broken hearts,
exchanging tips on how to influence songs on the radio.
they stand in great formality at the burial.
solemn faces watch the despairing alive.
sentinels unable to speak
though sometimes their presence is known.
you probably don't believe
ghosts go to funerals.
This is a very unique
This is a very unique interpretation. I have been reading poetry since the spring of 1973 and have never come across a poem quite like this one. Bravo!
Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]
Wow thanks!!
I don't think anyone has ever called one of my poems "unique" before :D
I doubt most other poets
I doubt most other poets could have written this poem.
Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]
Other guests
This poem is awesome! To think it's really true. I'll never feel the same at a funeral again!
awww thanks :)
i find it comforting in a strange way
at funerals. Clever idea for a write. A continuing connection - nice & warm. Adored the -stop raining peace- line! Allets
aww thanks :)
my dad had a near death experience, he said it was raining peace. so i "borrowed" the idea from him