Soul suction cup
know how to take
in what you do and say
the pen can be mightier than the sword
but sometimes your words pierce like jabbing knives
soul suction cup vacuum cleaner Gargamel man
what laws exist or connections do I lack
which powers do you successfully take from me
and is it true that once overturned and discovered
it can all be overthrown
but then why was it allowed in the first place?
does the savior only support the strong and astute?
throwing little miracles come my way pass me by
the more unique you are, the less entitled you are
you wonder if God goes back and re-writes the path
of those immersed and sacrificed in blood
and does the universal balance and justice
make up for the harm, sadness, torture, rape, and exploitation
of even one soul, ever at all?

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taken - seriously, don't stop writing!