My faith is no longer blind
my timeless ways
although raw not always unkind
my pattern of selfless tire iron glimmer rip timing on edge
without positioning itself in Satanic tithing
alright I can see their point of reference unwinding
blowing and fluttering ceaselessly on twisting breeze lightly
touching a timeless sense whispering softly to a tireless wincing whining
it touches upon forgiving open valves and asking them to shut themselves
for Pete's sake for common loss of tasteless flight
I don't want to be a part of this group of people at all
anymore really
good we don't want you to be just leave
it's not
I just hope that I can leave them openly
ultimately and blank them out somehow
why do you need to prove yourselves to be better than this person
we really haven't somehow
my glean and need to combust, yearn, feed
I can be a part of this

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don't take it the wrong way

bro, this was not cast in your direction --- in fact i love your work

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in fact

like i said, it's profound truth --- do not stop writing on my account! i am here for the same reason you are