So many ways we try to earn
Your favor, & Your mercy,
so much denial when we're blind,
acting like we really see,
so many attempts to have a standard met
we've placed upon ourselves,
so many rules & conditions
we burden our lives with,
& everyone else...
...& all the while, the Shepherd calls
the wandering foolish lambs
who stray into the paths of wolves,
not listening to the "I Am,"
but to those who claim they speak for Him,
yet who never hear Him say
"It is finished! There's nothing you can do
but just come to Me, & STAY!"
So many detours we can take,
the narrow path almost forgotten,
until the fruit we try to bear
is finally found worthless & rotten,
& that's usually when we realize
His grace has been calling us home,
& His ability to finally set us free
from ways that are only our own
is waiting for us { the returning prodigal son }
within sight, with outstretched arms, on the road.
~By Anastazia Rowe~