I lay awake tonight cuz I wanna be with you
with you by my side I could passionately kiss you
every time I'm near you I fall deeper in love
I see you in my dreams and for a second we touch
I feel guilty cuz he's my best friend
but yet I'm guilty of falling for his girlfriend
I know it's wrong but my heart is filled with purity
in my passion she could offer me security
I'm not sure which would be worse
losing him or losing you first
why does it have to be one?
Why can't we both love you?
Each time u kiss him my heart starts to sink
she's doesn't mean it is what I make myself think
my fantasy is a love affair with me
but my reality is problems with your man and me
I won't be needing my fantasy or my reality
my reality is just as pointless as my fantasy
your the most beautiful woman I have seen
but I must accept the fact: your too good for me