The North Star of the West
by a man from Maine
I was on the summit of the mountain where the sun first cast its light
In quiet contemplation I scanned the sky and there was a star that shone greater than a day
I thought this must be the star that once guided the wisest of men
This must be the Star of the North
I noticed a man not a stone’s throw away and quietly approached
and this man had with him the noblest of all the beasts
I pointed to the sky and asked
This light? This light must be the Star of the North?
The man slowly turned to me to say
“You can’t tell I am blind? Get out of here before I call a cop!”
I softly turned and not so slowly walked away
but I would recall these words of wisdom throughout my coming day.
Why would a man who has no vision place himself amongst Gods’ glory?
I returned to the summit the following eve and in my ascent came upon an old woman
and this old woman had with her a parcel
I pointed to the sky and asked
This light? This light must be the Star of the North?
The old woman slowly turned to me to say
“hey man I’m hungry, can you spare a couple bucks?”
I presented her a fin and I softly turned and not so slowly walked away
but I would recall these words of wisdom throughout my coming day.
Why would a woman who has no wealth place herself amongst Gods’ glory?
I returned to the summit on the following eve
and in my ascent I came across a man, a man of the cloth as they would say
again I found myself pointing to the sky and asking
This light? This light must be the Star of the North?
The man slowly turned to me to say
“my child, this light you speak of is whatever you wish the light to say”
I thought for but a brief moment then
I turned and ran, I ran fast away!
but I would recall these words of wisdom throughout my coming day.
Why would a man that was so crazed place himself amongst Gods’ glory?
A day or perhaps two pasted then I would return to this mountain top
and on my ascent I encountered a man, a man that was clothe in white
and I pointed to the sky and asked
This light? This light must be the Star of the North?
The man slowly turns and says
“sir, come with me and I will help you find the Star of the North”
I thought for only a moment but did not turn myself away
I followed this man on a journey not so far away
and he presented me with gifts of fine cloth and feasts of the food and Ativan
I would recall this man’s words of wisdom throughout my months away
Why would such a generous man find it necessary to place himself amongst God’s glory?
I thought and I thought, could it be I needed guidance all along the way?
I spoke to myself to say “no that aint it… oh no! I must be going crazy!”
it was only then I realized this Star of the North had shone from skies of West!
I packed my clothes and food and Ativan to undertake an epic journey to the West
The journey that would lead me to the land of the Golden Bear
the journey was challenging and fraught with peril
and then I encountered a man … he was the brother of the generous man
he was with friends with carriages that shone so brightly red and blue
he presented me with fine cloth and feasts of food and Ativan too.
This man was SO generous he insisted I stay till the moon became anew
I spoke that I could not and continued my journey true
my skin now pierced by wind my lips cracked and blue
my hands trembling and bleeding and my legs felt like glue
I came upon a village they called New Ark and surely a vessel or even camel would do.
a vessel or camel would prove too costly; I could not afford the insurance due.
and so I continued on foot the trek that was due
throughout my journey I was met by many brothers of the generous man of the past
at first I thought it strange than thought “he must be a good Catholic … so many brothers”
I could pen this trek forever but my quill fell victim too.
and so I use my blood to finish this story that is true
I swam across great rivers and walked vast deserts too.
I faced the punishment of blizzards and scaled tall mountains too.
and when I came upon the North Star of the West
I realized it was my girl … a woman known as Elizabeth
and I wrote this poem for you!
do it
you should write it as a story also,
Fascinating story, long
Fascinating story, long enough to get one's teeth into but not so long that it becomes chewy! Thoroughly enjoyed reading it. As for me I would journey from England to Maine to find my true love. In fact you may know of him! Sue.
Thank you Sue .... how sweet
Thank you Sue .... how sweet of you to say...
The North Star Of The West
This poem really had me going. I enjoyed it.
Good One. *MilMan*