No More Lists

Confrontation with a blank screen is no longer daunting, when the world is full of bombs exploding on the children again. And he wept after clawing with his hands through the powdered infrastructure to find his daughter's body. Such images tell the world Never Again, but also teaches the value of one life, from anywhere. If you have a religious philosophy that names you God's Chosen People, than anything is possible from political and military perspective and actions. If the indigenous peoples world wide espoused that philosophy, there would be an entirely different division of lands, boundaries falling or expanding, the share of wealth redistributed to the most organized and those who refuse to be tread upon. But most communities are waiting for leaders to tell them what to do. That's what has kept the world from imploding with deaths so far. One day the sheep will in deed look up and woe to the powerful and their high tech war machines.


I dread that day. Hope I die before the internet educates the ignorant into self worth and pride of what is "mine" vs what is not "yours". Tremble, powerful, hide more. Obscure the setting and the scene with presents to calm the savages who want to kill for the sake of. Give them jewels and food and help that quells discontent. Time to redistribute the wealth. You are gonna die and you can't take it with you, so give a poor Palestinian a break and build a better bomb shelter, send medical equipment, and medicines. Humanitarian is institutionalized spiel for the news bite. Yeah, I know the arguments. The few militants pretent to speak for the few by killing indiscriminately with car bombs and their weapons of choice, the living walking bomb exploded in a holy place or crowded place. What do you do with hate like that? Wear it away like water over rock. Israel and Gaza go to blows and the U.S. is refing for China and Russia?


There is a lot of talk about how much US Congress, Senate, and the Presidency, and the Supreme Courts are controlled by the monied corporate entities of the world. Money is voting and has a voice. It always has, now it's legal. If ever there was cause for rebellion. Time to write the letter and get a group marching on Washington. The little man and the little woman (pardon the pun) need to get some paint and a poster to let the elect know, they have no mandate to hide behind security matters. If it is my security, and you are acting to keep me safe, I want to know how and what you're doin' on my behalf. The great Mandella turns. We are due for a great pardigm shift in words, deeds, and philosophies.


Just Bein' Stella




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TheShadowKnows's picture

Well spoken

This is why I do not care much for people in general. The United States offers many freedoms but it also takes many freedoms... And supports sometimes the most unholy of holy causes. I wish I could run away to my own little world and rule my own little kingdom in peace away from the idiocracy. 

allets's picture

Thanks 48daniel

In genreral, most people are insane. The world has driven them to ruin and their brains no longer work correctly. I was talking to a lady the other day and the spiel was her mind set - no deviation from the "party line" possible - god-pure and patriotic. I wanted to puke. But then, when you are close to death (she was an octagenerian) you tend to be conservative. In general, I like people, it's individuals and their quirks that make me want to join you in your own private kingdom. Just Bein' Stella