Slow Down The Internal Clock


What does it all mean? We want answers and there are none. All we have is wear an expensive mask social distance wash your hands. That's an answer but it is not the answer.

And so they came up with boosters and double jabs and single jabs and percentages of protection. The big faux pas; no need to wear masks after the jabs. when cases spiked - wear a mask again. These Solutions do not work. We have nothing that can protect us from COVID-19: Alpha, Beta, Delta, or Omicron.

We struggle with it, angst over it, make our decision based on what we hear on the media that we trust. Nothing is working. Babies are dying, toddlers are dying, pregnant women are dying, healthy people are dying. It's not working. Pharmaceuticals doubled their profits Between 2020 and 2021. So, the PPE people, the vacccine people, jab needle manufacturers, and the soap companies make profits but none of this stops or kills the bug that is attacking us. It was the best we could do. The capitalist reply, throw money at it. 

Has anyone looked lately at how much debt has been accumulated by the US government for all the vaccines purchased from people who should have been donating that formula to the world? Greed is just going to kill us it seems sometimes.I don't want to have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I'm 70 and that's shocking enough.

So what do we do? We start at home, we start with each of us individually, and we slow down because now they are saying that Covid is giving people PTSD. We are doing it to ourselves. Stop doing it to yourself. Slow down your mental processes, turn off social media for a while, stop listening to the hype, and do what they tell you: stay home, get a good mask, gargle with mild salt and soda bi-carb solution to slow down the virus, keep it out of your lungs. It starts in the throat.


Do you have blue lips? That means that you are cyanotic and are prone to blood clots because you are not processing oxygen which is why your lips turn blue. Also, if toes or finger cuticles turn blue, call your doctor. That is trouble.It is rare with Covid.


I doubt there's anything that your doctor can do about it. They are not prone to say things like you're pretty much done for. They have nothing to tell you, nothing to give you, hospital beds are full and you're not serious enough to admit. Basically, you're on your own. Being afraid helps little. If you can breathe, you are fine, thus far.


For a month I stopped listening to radio stories about Covid patients, statistics, data that can be accessed on the Internet regarding deaths and cases. I just stopped, slowed it down, and looked at my emotional health. Find what you call fun and do that. Enjoy what you have not enjoyed in a long time because there's no telling how much time you may have. If you are going to die, die well. Don't worry, be anything but worried!

Also be aware that most people recover and most people don't even get Covid. I see the people walking around outside with no masks on and think they're throwing the die. Still, chances are in their favor they won't get it. Chances are they won't die from it. And so they are living their lives.


For a while they were saying that  the people who are being admitted to the hospital were those not vaccinated. That was a ploy to get more people vaccinated. Then, fully vaxed and boosted began to

die. You will get it and die-you will get it and get better-you will get it and get better and have long-term Covid for the rest of your life. These are some of the options.I hope they find a cure for it. But then no one will make any money if they find a cure. Covid is going to mutate eventually to a non-invasive form, at least that is the hope, and no one knows when that will happen or even if that will happen.


Take a breath, listen to your body and what it's telling you, If you don't take vitamins take one every now and then, and dedicate yourself to normalcy whenever you can. For those of you who have children who have Covid or parents, or grandparents who have Covid, I feel so sorry for your mental health. Give yourself some time, Allot 15 minutes every three  hours to call your friends on the phone or making cookies or whatever it is you do to relax. Watch a soap. Get laid!

Fear is the mind killer. When this is all over we will count the number of people who survived and honor the memory of those who died. We will go on, pick up the pieces, rebuild our lives, and have a bunch of kids because that's usually what happens after a crisis like World War I World War II and COVID-19. In the meantime, slow it down.If you can take a deep breath,take another one and be alive.


Lady A


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patriciajj's picture

I can't think of better

I can't think of better advice than to slow down, unplug, get a grip. In fact, this prescription for emotional health could save someone's life. Yes, corporate greed and our collective stress has turned this whole thing into an almost farcical nightmare. I've been detaching myself from the media as well. I feel twenty pounds lighter! 


"If you can breathe, you're fine, thus far." That's the best we can do. Just thank God we can breathe, and I can really embrace this: "If you're going to die, die well." You got it right. Just live! 


You're a voice of reason. Always enjoy reading you. 

allets's picture

I Am At Risk

An old diabetic, treble masking, and now Russia has surrounded Ukraine with 100,000 troops. It's like stopping listening during trumple'sadministration. It gets live! We are sending 50,000 troops. I took off a few days and NATO - oh never mnd - I'm on break thinking live! :D



patriciajj's picture

I'm diabetic as well. I know

I'm diabetic as well. I know the feeling of shock when you peek at the news after a few days of hiding from the madness. What now?! What happened? Who did what? Yes, it gets real. You're an empathetic, caring person, so it can be painful to absorb too much of the negativity the media slings at us. Good idea to take a break and just take care of yourself. People love you and need you around. 


That said, 50, 000 troops?! 


God help us. 

allets's picture

Revised Count

Hyperbole, sorry. Biden is ready to deploy 8,500 if Nato sends in troops - with reserves if things escalate. USA is on attack alert. We sent missiles and other weapons that have arrived in Ukraine. Right now I would pay a tutor to learn how to bury my head in a sandbox. News is developing as an information source. 





patriciajj's picture

Let me know if you find that

Let me know if you find that tutor! Looking for the nearest sandbox. 

allets's picture

You made me chuckle

I try to encourage participation and being informed as much as possible. I am exhausted! Maybe a series of fine weather remembered poems. OR some sentimental writes. naw, that might lead to: "Hold the gun to your head and pull the trigger. put it under your chin, the hole is bigger." No sentimentals!
