African American

A New View


A critic I admire belittled black poets of huge world fame as - not rooted in sufficient euro- centric traditions to bear the vigorous demands of professional lit crit. Missed all the afro-centric references that were not sufficiently emersed in negroe dialectics to be recognized is what he meant. Hence, Black scholars parse and interpret, snicker at the coded puns and elusive allusions, dismissing the not relevant criticism and write on. It's a good gig sweetheart! Reference Prez Obsma, Octavia Butler (deceased) or Maya (deceased).


While looking square in the face of Black lit thru the lens of Phyllis Wheatly, Ellison snuck in, Nikki, Alice Walker, Sanchez, Madhubuti, and Dr. Leroi Jones (Imamu Amiri Baraka) hit the bookstore shelves - that post the BLM advent did not stay on the shelves long. Black scholarly text swell the shelves and are now found in the genre section from which they write.


The scholars will read and let collect dust until daughters and sons get the author for a book report or research assignment. Oh, don't buy it, I've got a copy of Malcolm X's Biography by Alex Haley somewhere.


The field of Black writing has mushroomed across all genres, scientific, religious (Islam), education, philisophy, et. al. Surprize - Afram Lit has a section in bookstores (if you can still find one).


I told you. You never should have opened the college doors - we stormed 'em! It was exciting, something new - something hard. I remember a Phd nun who said: once you are published, you are considered an authority. Award winning books plus some of the most exciting poets from the BLM Inspirational School of Black Poetry have emerged. Me, I'm on the sideline cheerin' my ass off.

On PostPoems we have a responsibility to make a difference. The wallpaper of our collective pasts have hard-set stains obscuring art. We need new wallpaper. Fa sho!




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