Get Up And Do Something

Years Of Plagues

Plant a vegetable garden on land that you
or somebody owns that has gone to weeds
and wildflowers. Give the vegetables grown
to unemployed people with kids who
have to choose between paying their
mortgage and eating.
Pay someone's light bill. If you make
a donation to the Red Cross, that is great,
but your neighbor may be in the dark. It is so
embarrassing to own up to the fact that
the gas is shut off and the house is cold.
Get over it. Don't ask for money, ask
for the electric bill to be paid.
Or not, just complaining about everything
and doing nothing thinking someone else
should is good. Non-altruism as a philosophy
works for me.

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I like the concept of paying a person's bill instead of giving them money. I've been in need and if someone did that for me I would be genuinely grateful, but also not feel looked down upon. 


The hippopotami in the river

Held an election.

They decided they would NOT 

Be ruled by crocodiles.

They will follow the

Widest mouth and

The biggest teeth.

For the hippos 

By the hippos


allets's picture


hippos and their philosophy - marvelous poem - thank you so very very much, you made me laugh right out loud at the ending - Lady A