Find the thing that makes you smile,
then do it a lot. Smile all the time
of course people will wonder
what you are up to, but that's okay.
Happiness has a price.
Sing, dance, remember what
joy as a child felt like. Children do
what they want and have no guilt
or sense of danger. That's care free
and it can be found.
If you can not find happiness or
it's precursor, smiling, invent irony
then make a joke and chuckle. The
rest is merely a matter of mirth
that makes you dance and sing
then smile.
Life is just too short
Life is just too short
5 Year Late Reply
Yes it is. I looked in the mirror and smiled. Now it is a habit. :) slc
Thank you Respected Madam Allets for the wonderful words
Thank you Respected Madam Allets for the wonderful words.At 62 I appreciate every bit of it.Stored permanently in my CPU.Wondery start to 2014.
Central Processing Unit
I was hoping for a wonderly start - This is going to be a fun year, Mssr Bishy - Let the poetry begin! ~Lady A~