My muse left town
no note
no good luck
nothing but air
and blank paper,
actual paper.
I liked my muse
he had hairy legs
and everything.
When I was thirsty
I always pulled
into his drydock
and got a refill.
I miss my muse,
I miss his tendency
to pull me with wires
and rakes, hooks
and grapples out
of the doldrums
where I windlessly
tended to navigate.
When he comes back
he will prop himself proud
on my headboard next
to my guardian angel
where they will laugh long
at my slovenliness and my
dependency until I
get busy.
Lady A
Haha! This made me laugh.
Haha! This made me laugh. Very cute!
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "
Tickle Tickle
Just foolin' around, amused, pensive and bemused. There should be a word "premused" and a word "promused" huh? Currently, my muse is on a most wanted list. Poeting is hard work but that WAS fun - ha! Funstuff. ~a~