The Grand Finale

Invisible Poetry


Examine these spaces

with self-manufactured locks

and bars of a material no one

will ever break. Stalk this

claustrophobic cell

like a predator stalking prey.

Only there is no prey.


You are your own jailor

shouting at the moon for release

and a hero to come and unlock

that which has seemed locked

as long as long is.


Each morning arise

wondering why you stay here

with that big hole in the cinder

blocks behind the cot with all

the fresh air blowing freedom

your way.







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INKSTAIN's picture

Ovation line:

"wondering why I stay here

with that big hole in the cinder

blocks behind the cot with all

the fresh air blowing freedom

my way."

allets's picture

Escape is Near

and still we can't find the out. Life. Hmmmm.... with ovation no less-thanks for that ~A~



Affirmation's picture

From  this I get both the

From  this I get both the image and personal feeling of being thy own worst enemy, and that company can be as much solace as an enemy. great work :)

allets's picture

I Am

mine own worst enemy or used to be. I've grown wiser, but I took off and lived in New York (upstate) and then to Florida (2008) and ended up back home - I'm still pacing but too old to slip the net again - retirement makes me nostalgic - (still, a little enemy stalks inside contemplating a break-out) ;D    ~~Lady A~~