Number One
Captain Lym’s sense of humor got worse
being born the fourth month on the first.
Fooling his mates
he gave discount rates
on a limo that looked like a hearse.
Number Two
Captain Lym had a cousin named Rick
Wherever he sailed he got sick
He threw up a storm
in true mariner form
learned to swab the ship's deck pretty quick.
Number Three
Cousin Rick had a girlfriend named Stella
She called him a most stubborn fella
He would not propose
cause she had twenty beaus
So she changed his mind with her Baretta.
Lady A
So cute! love the last line
So cute! love the last line so unexpected! Lol!
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
Guns & Poetry
This is fiction. I carry an A-K ~~A~~