Wavers as you pass, like too many
birthday decorations, too many prayers
sent everywhere, ultimately for blowing out
by breath or a rogue wind.
One considers flame. Wick.They
are the vogue at holiday vigils.
Candelabras. Light is a function
of candles. Candles are a function of
bee’s wax and string.
Darkness fades to a struck match
and fashions nervous shadows against
walls when candles are lit. Clarity
occurs when flames illuminate night.
A substitute for lightbulbs
when the storm takes out
the wired-in power. Candles.
Sunlight is measured
in them.
Lady A
Wonderful writing. Darn rogue winds. I spent some time learning how to make all different types of candles out of a lot of different things. The darkness fears me!
Darknessly Fear Some
Candles are limited unless the statue of liberty is really a candle, lifting her lamp beside the dark...dark fears assuredly! - Thanks for the comment on rogue winds ~~~Lady A