Not the lynchings, not Floyd
or Taylor, a brilliant man
took usa's helm in Black hands
and the Black world awakened.
Superficial was banished as
scholars went into the roots
of white supremacy, smirking
outrage for absent equity,
imbalanced scales of justice
a trap, a stop gap; they went
critical racially and a spade
digs once again at ofays
and exclusionary dictates.
Subtle, insidiously hidden was
a way to keep not only Ex-enslaved
descendants, but other colored,
and other ofays electronically
chained to an ultra-ofay ordering.
This is not a rant, not a blame
fest, or shaming. We set that aside
with black face, Ben, and Jemima.
It is time for a meeting of minds
at the Federal Reserve and The
Treasury of us of a for every-player
new rules before interest rates
tumble in the future.
Lady A
the short sentence sizes show
the short sentence sizes show a bluntness a steady rythm like an anger but with clarity its very beautiful and clear while remaining pointed and emotion filled
Missing you my friend
Missing you my friend. RIP
I agree, we don't need
I agree, we don't need another rant or blame fest, but real ideas like these. I'm all in. Well penned motivation.