Taste For Haste

A New View


8:45 to 4:45 fingers copy

what the head dictates. 
Eyebrows rise when knowledge

threaten upheaval when

amorality storms the trim

doors barred and secured

at the side of the face.


A peek hole opens inundated

with false prophesy. When

closed, press weight against

shutters. It is about time

to be content in the darkness

of yourself.


A taste for haste burns

like too hot tea, blisters 

delicate diversions

in spite of salves. What

is this dry kindling beyond 

a tinder box of embers

igniting? Fire glow as heat

flamed need to be doused by

a Smokey caution.


The eyes close, stockpiled

and certain, they wait and know,

with incisive decision, that

delicate diversions rush like

river tight logs to the final


Lady A





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Manic typewriter.  It works

Manic typewriter.  It works for a true poet

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A Rewrite

of a poem found under a stack. ~S~



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rewriting is a good thing.  I

rewriting is a good thing.  I like to revamp older pieces from time to time.

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I am half way thru rewriting

5000 postpoems writes and re-posting them. whew! :D