Holy Texts Of The World

Invisible Poetry


Commonalities, there is always a prophet

endowed with miraculous abilities given

by the ultimate owner of the universe. Women

are always portrayed in holy text as endowed

with the main characteristics of following

anything with a dick between its legs.


God inspired text are written by men which

explains how misogynism came into the world.

Mary was on her knees a lot and not just

for praying. You do not hear a lot about Adam

and Eve after they both messed up. Eve

kicked Adam's now covered butt for eating

the damn apple too.


And women today are still doing the same

which explains the high divorce rates world

wide and why Muslims are pissed off

about women driving. This will lead to all

sorts of apple pies.


Lady A



Author's Notes/Comments: 

I am not anti-religion so much as I am anti-rote beliefs. There is a point at which you have to evolve beyond teachings and become more. 

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