Baby steps are for toddlers
and you already know how
to walk. Running sure footed
comes after a lot of breathless
attempts at the mile, doubt
of the possibility, challenge
to the absence of ability,
skill, stamina, ego.
Learn the language of living,
saying it over and endlessly
until it trips off the tongue
without seeming thought.
Get a few words wrong, love
loss, disappointments, infusions
of hatred, strong emotions
that shut down the mind. Then,
rewrite your pages carefully
correcting the mispronounciations.
Learn to spell life in big words
like ego and selfishness. Now, push
on goal. Falling short, losing
a letter or two, finding them means
being read very well ultimately.
Mix your metaphors until none
make sense. Clarity is untangled
chaotic accumulation of conflicting
emotions and information. The data
stream eventually is navigated
as if a map occurred out of rough
seas and home shores become your flag
waving over the port called you.
Lady A
LOVE this!
"Falling short, losing a letter or two, finding them"
Insightful and beautifully written!!
*tallsquirrelgirl* she feels in italics and thinks in CAPITALS ~henry james
Thanks So Much
This one is for those who don't think they can. They can! - Yours in writing, Stella