Refuse To die

Holiday Poems


Look Death in the eyes,
smile crookedly matching

her smirk. Then, punch out

a few  jagged teeth, the ones

that keep grinning with ill

intent. Send her on her way

with a firm contract-broken

irrevocable goodbye.
Click your teeth, contentedly 

determined to give her detailed

instructions on where to park

it in future. Send her packing;

farewell replaced with an

invitation to not return.

What time is it? It is time for Death

to go on a diet presently composed

of someone else.



Happy Cinco de Mayo
May 5th, a Mexican Celebration Day


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floorguy112's picture

Wow! That was intense! 

Wow! That was intense! 

allets's picture

I'm 65

These abstract ideas keep tapping me on the temple and I refuse them entry. Life is good!



darkpool's picture

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allets's picture

So German and Spanish

I marginally have English mastered. Thanks for the read. slc