The feeling which makes the last one waiting in tears, remembering that they never want to be alone. No choice is made in deciding their fate, it’s destiny that leaves them behind.
Everyone that they have loved, and will have ever loved, followed the path where they want to go. Bright as the lights through a window, the paths left unseen and unfollowed.
Left alone in the crossroads, seeing nothing but yellow. And orange. And white. With hints of red being left behind.
Is it from their body or their mind?
Loneliness is the only thing they’ll find.
Wondering in white with a dark flashlight, bleeding red from the eyes while looking for journeys to find. A path in grey alights.
With no destination in sight, they risk the change and enter a world of monochrome.
A surprise at the end, an expected encounter, leads them somewhere unplanned and eventually
hi like your poem lonleness
hi like your poem lonleness is a funny thing just when your surounded by white with a dark flashlight someone touches you on the shoulder
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