" I want you, to be a part of my life"
The one who can hold my hand for life time
I want you be a part of mine..
Who can understand me without listening me for a while
I want you,to be a part of my life
You should be the one who can handle me at my low time
I want you to be a part of mine..
The one who can bring happiness sign
I want you,to be a part of my wine,
and toxicates me till i take last breath of my life
Yes i want you to be a part of mine..
You should be the one who can roll my tears back
when i cry,and hug me till i make her smile
I want you, to be a part of my life..
You are the one to whome i want to feel every single hour
Let you be the beautiful fragnance of my desire..
Yes you are my lovely imagination to whome i am
unable to find yet..do me a favour come to me
and become my shine...
Yes i want you to be a part of mine...
You are the girl who is strenght o mine
you know what without you i am incomplete
and just a worthless coin..
just be a part of mine..
Yes you are my true imagination and i am writting this for you
I am willing to share my love equation with you
"I want you to be a part of my life"
"I want you to be part of mine"