My Grandfather's Breakfast

Whenever I visit my grandparents in Saltillo I tend to stay in my grandfather’s room where there is an extra bed for my brother and me to sleep in. As I go to sleep my grandfather lights up his lamp and lays down in his bed for some late night reading. Days usually start pretty early whenever I visit. My grandfather has always been an early bird, he usually wakes up at 5:30am, as he waits for the newspaper he solves the crossword puzzles from the newspaper from the previous day. As the house lies completely in silence he can clearly listen whenever the newspaperman is throwing the paper in the front porch. When ever this happens he knows it is time to get the new paper and have a freshly brewed morning coffee. He quietly walks across the room to keep us from waking up and heads to the kitchen. At around 7:30am, when I usually wake up, I go to the kitchen where I know my grandfather will be sitting in his favorite spot at the table. After some talking about what he had read in the paper I change clothes and we head for early Sunday morning shopping in order to get breakfast ready. First stop is a local tortilleria that is just a few minutes away from home, followed by a small store that my grandpa says it has the best chorizo in the state since it comes from a small butcher house in a small town called Muzquis Coahuila. As long as I can remember we have always followed the same route to buy what we need for breakfast. As we get home we start cooking my grandpa’s all time special: Scrambled eggs with chorizo, beans and freshly made tortillas. Things start cooking up and smell starts to travel across the house. One by one family members start to wake up and follow the delicious smell all the way to the kitchen. My cousins, who live just across the street, come over for breakfast and in a matter of an hour we have the whole family having Sunday morning breakfast together. My grandfather has never been the greatest cook I know, but I am pretty sure he can make a Sunday breakfast better than any one else. It is so good that it has the power to bring the whole family together during an early Sunday morning.


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word_man's picture

sounds like a great day,spend

sounds like a great day,spend as much time as you can,he wont always be with you

ron parrish