I had a bad day,
But thoughts of you made it better.
The yelling and screaming,
the beating and bruising.
They all disappeared as
a picture of you came to mind.
He tries to break me down
as you attempt to build me up.
You fight for me constantly
when I am too weak to try.
Its a never ending ritual.
Aren't you tired yet?
I don't know how
to stand on my own.
But I can't let you continue
to fight my battles for me.
I need to learn to stand up for myself.
With your strength behind me
I know you can teach me.
This poem bespeaks a profound emotion very effectively. I think, however, the speaker is slightly wrong in the third stanza, and she should continue to let her lover fight for her until she is strong enough and well enough to withstand the onslaught on her own. That is what love is: one lover supports another, and the other basks in the support until it is no longer needed. The voice in this poem is quite authentic, and whether or not the poem is fictive or realistic, the relationship is very well described.