Venom Serum

The taste is so unforgettable,

How did I ever let it go?

Lips are like poison

But the venom is so sweet.

One kiss draws you in,

The pain is what pushes you away.

With every touch, every grasp,

The intensity rises, getting hotter and hotter.

The poison rushes thru your veins,

Alls you can think about is how to get more.

Your passion is covered with glass.

One can only look but no longer touch.

The pain hurts just to see.

Better to loved and lost,

Or is it better to never have loved at all?

Your mind starts to twist like a boa constrictor

Thoughts chasing, thoughts chasing your heart.

Your lips scream for it,

Your tongue dances waiting.

Your heart pumps a symbolic rhythm.

Hours turn to days, and days turn to weeks.

Your heart feels like its turning cold.

Your lips are whispering quietly,

Your tongue sways slowly.

Your heart beats hard.

You feel so rejected.

Looking thru the glass, at your beloved.

Wishing you could freeze time.

But the object of your desire,

Can only evoke feelings of sadness and remorse.

Your passion dies like one single rose,

Wilting a new petal each day.

Nothing changes, everything stays the same.

Your lips stop talking,

Your tongue stays frozen

Your heart pumps weakly.

Alls you can feel is sadness.

Grief is all that breathes around you.

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Fitzgerald's picture

That's intense in a good way

That's intense in a good way