Empty Apartment

The cracks in the paint.

The blood smeared on the walls.

The vomit on the carpet.

The flies on the wall.

The sinks overflowing.

The blinds are broken and twisted.

(Just didn’t throw your coffee cup hard enough did you?)

Your clothes are scattered around the empty apartment.

The eviction notice hangs outside your door.

The mirror’s shattered all over the bathroom floor.

The bullet shots tear thru the walls.

The water is boiling over the stove.

The alarm clock beeps without hesitation.

The iron is face down on the counter.

(The plastic is melting, oh no.)

The cocaine is formed into 4 lines on the coffee table.

(They are just your size.)

The phone keeps ringing.

(You’re a month behind in your bills.)

You are lying on the ground with a bullet to the heart.

Maybe you wanted it this way?

You didn’t deserve to die.

Your bodies growing colder.

The smoke escaped down the hallway.

Snuck underneath your neighbors door.

He ran to save you.

(Guess he didn’t make it in time.)

He’s greeted with a simple desertion of self-respect.

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Stacey Gallow's picture

this is the most insane poem i've ever read. i could feel straight chills, so congratulations most poems don't show that much emotion. i like it hella.