
A future built on blood, a towering castle on the foundations of a billion dead.

A conquest of killings, a journey of sliced throughts, lost limbs, outs and ins.

For every lost eye, a lost vision, for every vision, a battle, for every battle, a mother without a son.

A prophecy foretold by generals, a message delivered with bullets, a point hammered home with artillery.

Red flowers lay in every field, each one a fading beauty, a luscious life left. The seas run red as hell upturns the ground for a while, a conflict becomes a war, a war becomes genocide.

Nations, prophets, writers, poets, a way of life dies as another is dusted across the world in bones.

Primordial rage, crippling fear, no expense is spared when you battle here.

Purgatory fills as thousands are waiting to be judged, an angel or a demon? Neither are innocent.

Pride or prejudice? Guilt or redemption? We're all equal when we're nothing but ash in the field.

Tongue or class? Wealth or glass? Whatever divides us becomes us, infecting wounds with ancient pus.

For land or symphonies, gold or sympathies, we take our steel to their people, our blades scour swiftly.

An old soul returns from the cold, his children are bald, the houses are mould, the defeat that was never foretold.

Souls are the demon's currency, and each warrior an avid collector, how big shall your heartless deposit be?

A child cries for his father, beauty is now even farther.

Will our world change? Will we release these chains?

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allets's picture

Not Go To War?

Civilization would rebuild itself and children would not go to sleep starving. Nature would have allies and fracking would stop. Russia and China will forget about past dynastic empires and live within their borders. The United States of America would stop being policeman and political philosophy professor to the world. India would house and feed its birth controlled poor. The Saudis would stop building a first world military and South America and Island nations would thrive. We can not have any if that. Tanks and drones have to be paid for.



AkulaTHEPoet's picture

The actual theme of the piece

The actual theme of the piece was simply the loss and destruction of war, I don't bring my own political views here as such... But... Certain wealthy nations need to stop interfering with certain others. - And most unfortunately, I think war is a vital thing to our survival...

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