Mortal Train

Mortal Train

How does it feel

To board a train

That’s going to crash

How does it feel

To love someone

Who is for sure going to Die

How does it feel

To live a life

That is going to end

Reality is like that

You like it or not

Crude, you may call

But the fact remains the same

Sooner or later

You are going to Die

And then,

How silly the whole affair appears?

The trifle disconnects and the trivial matters

Even the so called Big Issues

Suddenly change their get up

And become small

Simple yet True

This is how life remains

How silly for us to miss the complete picture

And live just a fragment

With happiness and sadness

How silly to celebrate a fragment

And how silly to remorse a fragment

To fight for a seat on the mortal train

Or To celebrate and enjoy the journey

On the mortal train

~ Akshay Anand

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bishu's picture

Indeed a good one Mr Anand. But personally I'd like a larger fon

Indeed a good one Mr Anand. But personally I'd like a larger font which postpoems site provides.Welcome to Postpoems.




Akshay_Anand's picture

Thanks for the guidance and

Thanks for the guidance and the encouraging words...

death754's picture

I like your opinion on life

I like your opinion on life

Akshay_Anand's picture

Thanks... Seems to be a point

Thanks... Seems to be a point we agree upon...