
All beauty stems from something dark,
Set on this earth to leave its mark.
The phoenix rising from the ashes,
The hope of a dream that flies or crashes.

Bring to life these words
I would expose to you all,
"Embrace both the shade and the light,
The rise and the fall."

If not for silence, how would we find resonance?
If not for darkness, how would we see light?
If not for doubt, how would we recognize hope?
If not for death, how would we acknowledge life?

If there were no fear, courage would cease.
If there was no pain, we would not know tenderness.
If we did not feel hate, we would wonder how to love.
If there were no corruption, so we would not know purity.

If not for deception, we would not learn the truth.
If there was no betrayal, thus would be no chance for redemption.
If not for pettiness, there would be no honor.
If there was no entity as the mind, we would not know the heart.

All beauty stems from something dark,
Set on this earth to leave its mark.
The phoenix rising from the ashes,
The hope of a dream that flies or crashes.

Bring to life these words
I would expose to you all,
"Embrace both the shade and the light,
The rise and the fall."

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drkpuzzle's picture

Excellent work. :)

Excellent work. :)

The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.--Buddha