
To go against it would be jumping through clouds,
With no way to see what awaits to break the fall.
To embrace it would be to ride stallions across wildfire,
Leaving behind a trail of ashes,
All that was known sinks to the depth of time.
Tears could clear a path to solace,
No way to stop this horse from running,
Taking me to where the earth meets the stars,
Finding my place in foreign lands,
Speaking a tongue from your native language,
So alien to me, though it breaks the silence.
A barrier placed through icy walls,
Skin becomes tougher as it is frozen.
Skipped heartbeats take me closer,
To find myself back where I started,
A journey with no pursuit or direction,
Knowledge grows fruit on the tree of wisdom.'re really good.'re really good. First two lines and the final stanza are my fave.
I concur mr poofs! Love the
I concur mr poofs! Love the last stanza in particular! Great JoB! :)
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
Cheers! It always seems the
Cheers! It always seems the poems I feel are "too personal" or might not rleate to a reader do. Just shows what I know :)
Thanks a lot :)
Thanks a lot :)