Dolly Bhaskaran

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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

My name is Dolly Bhaskaran and my pen name is Adikaran.
My stories and poems are all from my life experiences. I am not a poet. I give very much importance to moral values and virtues. I started writing a couple of years ago, when I was struck with an illness which restricted my activities.
My written work is dedicated to myself, my family, friends, and anyone that appreciates.
I hope these poetry's make you smile,reflect and memorise your life, probably make you shed a tear.

I am a registered nurse who worked in NHS for nearly twenty years. Currently I am retired and practising alternative therapies.I practice Reflexology, Acupressure, Kinesiology.
I am also a Reiki Master. I also take sessions on Meditation,Positive thinking, Stress free living. Self development classes are given to local community. Most of my sessions and practices are given to my friends and family. I promote healthy ageing.

About My Navel

My belly button is important to me as this reminds me of my roots. My belly button reminds me the traditions and values of my existence .It reminds me of my parents, my family, my nation, my culture etc.

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