Cognitive Landscapes

My mind is a labyrinth of thoughts. That tangle and twist in every direction. Every thing is analyzed everything leads to the center of this giant web of uncontrolled thinking. I get caught in knots and get strangled in ideas and memories. My beliefs get altered and changed due to the tremendous amount of words and symbols colliding and clashing together. It sounds line grinding metal and nails on a chalk board. These landscapes are often violent storms and i can spend many waking hours lost at sea. I get lost in here easily. There is no sense of direction. Logic doesn't exist. Things get cycled then recycled to where they get grinded down so much the original idea is unnoticeable. Corrosion and erosion leave me predictable yet unconsolable. Whatever direction i try heading in I spiral into an arid no mans land of vacant ideas and lay in full conscience comatose. Drugs help keep me away from these wastelands that exist deep inside of me. But more often than not i get dependent on them as an escape rather than a release. To find the calm skies and warm weather in my head is really a game of luck and pure intiution for there is no stars to guide me. No keys to unlock these doors i need to open. So i lay waste to the walls to try and form my own entrance and exits. Leading to many messes. And debris that i too often lose my footing on. I walk in circles unaware I've been in the same place twice. Its foggy and nothing looks familiar and I've been up here for 21 years. There are no roads just over grown paths that sometimes you have to turn back because it gets too thick. Its a maze. With no map. Its hard to recap or make sense of places you can never find on your own. I always fall through the cracks and land in another world in my head. I am a wanderer in my own mind.

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