Between Light and Shadow

Moments away from departure…

In leaving I lose, yet in arrival I am to gain,

Footsteps that shall be my last, but also my first,

As Independent traits become my independence,

I am showered beneath the haze of early morning,

Only to touch down beneath the rays of the afternoon,

To watch suburbia drift; infinitely smaller,

And to step out; beneath the shadows of the city,

I go thinking I know who I am, what I will be,

Though I know ideas change with experience.

Sitting in the uncomfortable still motion,

Watching those around me do the same,

We wait alone, together, in our mass,

All leaving, all for different reasons,

Some will return, others depart for good,

The world, space, time…all there…

In existence as I am; existing at once.

Thinking back in retrospection…

My life, thus far,

And smiling at the irony of my location…

Within this terminal,

Terminal being a word that shares many meanings,

One of which is ‘to be located at the end,’

And in an ironic aspect it is,

Yet in another it acts in the opposite...

As I board onto this six hour flight,

This transitional period in my life,

Like the space between light and shadow,

What lies beyond those six hours…

Cannot be unveiled until the hours have passed,

And what changes, cannot be seen

By looking and analyzing frame by frame,

And cannot be acknowledged

Until Destiny waves it’s hand passed,

Signaling such an end; such a beginning.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm leaving for college in a few this is a conglomeration of my thoughts about the transition. It's not very's just me getting my thoughts out (no, I don't stick in all of those semicolons and commas when I'm thinking).

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Jere''s picture

This is a beautiful poem of transition; again, expressing things that I experienced in 1976, but did not have sufficient talent to express.

DeAnna Shaddy's picture

I hope you have a safe journey to your new beginning. =O) Peace, save the whales and the guinea pigs.

Marissa Delgado's picture

your wrong..... that is very poetic, and i really like it

p.s. i think i am falling in love with you... you write poetry, play guiter, and your going to berklee!! lol