You used me
Abused me
I thought we were cool
When all is said and done i was only your tool
I want to forget that night
You put up such a fight
You hurt me more then you will know
You hurt me more then the brusies show
At this moment i am crushed
My spirit hushed
I thought you acuallly cared
I never thought you would have dared
To do cause me such pain
A night a memory etched on my brain
Forever a memormy so lame
All you could say is i wish i wouldnt have came
Im glad i went
I should have told you "Get bent"
No one shal walk on me again
All this niceness has found its end
I try my hardest to help people out
But when i need something you all scream and shout
So everyone knows if they need something give me a call
Look what yall made me do you made me fall
*claps*Bravo bravo.Nice work.Id love to see more poems like this.You have some talent I see.Keep up the good work.