The season that my heart is in, or is it a condition
a sickness that resides somewhere within the soul
a chasm that is wider than I'd ever know
a desperature creature;
only wanting to nurse its wounds
only ever watching for out for itself.
No, I'll sing of something better.
The wind that scatters off the dust,
from this old and sleeping body.
The wind that breathes new life
and points me to the only hope there ever was.
I'm singing of a wondrous, real God
who never fails to take me in from the...
There's something in this mystery.
The brave can bare the winter,
and we were made to want bravery.
For there is a season of the heart
when blessed rain falls on all
and the sun shines on all with warmth and beauty;
but then there is a time when sorrow comes
and scorches us to make us whither
to make us bleed
to make us thirst
'ere winter comes,
we face a bleak horizon.
And through it all, this mystery.
Of God's faithfulness and goodness
of providence evident in this bloodstained and weary world.
The shadows always seem to fall on those with potential.
And there's a whispering in our ears:
that love is lust, and life is gain -
but to truly love, we must face pain.
Deeply moved by this. Thank
Deeply moved by this. Thank you.