Celtic Eyes

You reach for the glass and nothing

Dare stand  in the way.

A laughter behind us -unbridled

With it, we're on our way.

Speaking to such issues as pride,

Best left to one who knows

Loss, and gain, and repetition of these,

And living a life's that's been proven one's own.

When that glass's put back

He's had his share of the cup

But when he needs another quench of thirst

Be assured, he'll pick it right up.

A strong glint in the eye

Like morning sun off the ice.

A sincere smile, a tear, a friendship so clear,

All of truth, of courage, of price.

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S74rw4rd's picture



Jaz Tempest's picture

I dunno why but this poem (nice, by the way) gives me an 'ancient' feeling.