Gold and White Promises

My heart is as true as your newly found words,

And newly found heart, so it it seems.

It beats newly found blood, not mere liquid alone,

Yet is still billowed and stretched at the seams.

You Gold and White Dove, so lighthearted and pure

Is a gift from your heart, I know.

And this kiss that I feel with each and every breath

Kindles my heart, all aglow.

I promise not words of truth for your ears,

Or scribbles for lighting your heart.

My gift is my soul, this I pledge alone,

And my honor, and my will to start...

This daily event of which we both partake,

The begining of our life together.

For you and I are two souls fused as one,

And with you, I look forward to forever.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem was written as a response to a poem by Lisa Hilliard.  You can read it at:

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