Gaining From a Lock

The door brought me to the question

But the answer was still waiting for me

On the other side of the crass words

Which began this game of lock and key


Like a bushfire, unbridled to water

There is little left to muzzle

The bark from my soul, so to speak

Begging to yelp the answer to the puzzle.


What's missing is this spark

To trnasition between the gap

A chance to win the loss

Between the silence, and a nap.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

While at a poetry group slam at the Hayloft in the Long Valley bar in Cork, Ireland (2014), the crowd was asked by the moderator to bark out five words which would be used in a poem.  After thee barking, we were told that we were to write these poems, and in three minutes.  The words were "bushfire", "transition" (my contribution), "muzzle", "crass" and "missing".  This is what I came up with among the 50 or so people and ten willing poets.  See what you can do!  -M

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Nap not, for have got, the solution to the riddle,

your friend request, haqppily accept,
