Tears I Will Not Cry

Cutting herself again and again

Each time going deeper and understanding less

All she knows is the pain drowns her sorrows

Takes her mind away for a little while

Losing a mother when needed most

The pain that she went through as a child

And now living with a father she swears doesnt really love her

So she cuts herself and yells back

As her way of recognition

All she wants is to be loved

To know he cares

For her mother to come back

Instead of suffering so

For a long time they were together after her mother died

But now he has a girlfriend and she thinks he doesnt care

To her the world is falling in around

And nobody cares because everything is going against

So all that can be done is fight to the end

Prove she cannot be defeated

Maybe if her mother hadnt left things wouldn't be this way

Things would be better and nothing wrong

I will not cry tears for her as she goes deeper

Not heeding to my asking her not to

Promising me she wont, yet does

Supposedly there's nothing left to go on for

The boyfriend isnt more important

The best friend, the future

Being out of the house in a few years

All she wants is recognition

Someone to hold her as she fights the world

Screams out against everything going against her

Someone to hold her as she cries fro all the wrongs that have been done

Innocence stolen at such an early age by one whom she thought she could trust

Yet found she couldnt

Maybe this night wont be the last

With such youth wasted

And now we wonder what this world is coming to

With a veil over our eyes so we cant see whats worth living for

No motive to go on

But every motive to end it

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