To Late

We're so seflish when something dies

We regret not seeing or doing more

Thinking about how we should have paid more attention

Not thinking of their last moments

Only thinking that if only we'd done something it would be ok

We mourn for awhile

Shed tears of loss

but soon your tears stop falling

Realizing they wont bring the lost back

Things go back as they were before

All those times you werent there when you should have been

Dont matter anymore

Its to late to say your sorry and make it count

Its to late for you to comfort yourself

To late to make up for your selfishness

And now you wonder about you "should have been theres"

So go on with your life as before

It will all be nothing but a faded memory soon

And it will only hurt when you realize you werent there

When you realize you didnt care when they were alive

So why do you care now?

Why does it become important to you when there is no way to make it up?

Because you could have made a difference,

Could have said those things that lay deep in your heart.

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