Flat line

We were just fine
Without you knowing
Now it all seems so cold
Even though it's not snowing

Broken up from the inside out
I can't pick up the peices
For all my memories of her now
Are just painful deceases

I tell myself i wont cut more than ounce
But then 2.. 3.. 4 more times
I feel so lonely, nobody can help
Not even the Angel's chimes

I know i can get help
But i don't want the attention
With each steps of these growing pains
Each with greater expansion

Uneasy tensions grow around me
We wonder why, we're at fault
Everyone asks me if _imfine_
I tell them yes, but we all know i'm not

I am left, on the side of the road
Left to wait, left to die
I tell you strangers what i feel
Because i can't always keep it inside

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dude you went off line 

dude you went off line 

day dreamer