At The Supposition That HE Was The Gardener

[after John 20:15]


He told her not to cling to Him just then;
but go tell those eleven, frightened men
her testimony to this day's good news.
They would be startled by the words she said---
that Jesus had been raised up from the dead.
(Others would blaspheme God, or just refuse
to put their whole faith in this stunning fact.)
He sent her on. With customary tact,
He told her that He had not yet ascended
to God---implying that He still intended
for them to have an opportunity
to say farewell. Some mountain (Galilee)
would host their gathering---for her; His mother
(the blessed one), each sister and each brother;
with His eleven friends, and any other
who trusted in His Word. There, on that slope,
He would confirm them in the joyous hope:
the parting would not hurt the usual way---
for He would still be with them . . . every day.







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