To A Friend No Longer A Christian

While I am yet in this flesh, I am flawed,
But to become a Christian I was called.

The Lord granted---even to me---Salvation:

to be His servant is my chief vocation,

and joy in faith is my first delectation.

Now you, dear friend, have gone on a backslide:

you find it is a rather slippery slope.

You work on Sundays and do not abide

among your brethren in the holy Church.

You wonder why you are not satisfied;

why each of your accomplishments seems hollow;

and real contentment never seems to follow.

Turn back, before you can no longer cope.

Turn to the fellowship of faith and hope.

Lift up your hands to Christ, regnant above:

He will welcome you back with merciful love.


J-Called, a Christian



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word_man's picture

always ready to forgive

always ready to forgive

ron parrish

S74rw4rd's picture

Thank you.  And I hope this

Thank you.  And I hope this person, to whom the poem was written, realizes that before it is everlastingly too late.


word_man's picture

God will always do his

God will always do his job,all you need to do is pray

ron parrish

S74rw4rd's picture

Amen to that.

Amen to that.
